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ISBN 978-81-8339-013-2
Accession No. 7685
Title Approaches to Kashmir Studies
Author G.M. Khawaja (Alias M.H. Zaffar), Gulshan Majeed
Year of Publishing 2011
Publisher Gulshan Books, Kashmir
Short Description The Approaches to Kashmir studies comprises the Research papers, contributed by the experts, in the respective fields, to the international seminar organized by the Institute.
The papers selected for publication have been arranged in various subdivisions. Each subdivision represents a significant aspect of cultural History of Kashmir and each paper offers something seminal about the theme it deals with.
Table of Contents APPROACHES
Approaches to Kashmir Studies: State, Society and Identity: Prof. (Dr) Riyaz Punjabi
Multidisciplinary Approach and the Construction of Cultural History: Prof.M. Ashraf Wani
Kashmir Studies: Identifying Areas of Concerns for Social Sciences: Prof. Noor Ahmad Baba
No Naga Presence In Ancient Kashmir: Prof. Gulshan Majeed
Mughal Perception of Kashmir (1586-1707): Prof. Jigar Muhammad
Distortions in the Literary History of Kashmir: Gh. Nabi Khayal
Kashmiriyat: A World View: Prof. M. H. Zaffar
Critiques of Popular Sufism: Implications for the Notion of ‘Kashmiriyat’ : Yoginder Sikand
Kashmiryat Philosophical Aspect of Sufi Poetry: Dr. Manzoor Fazili
From Regional identity to Universal Consciousness: The Case of Abhinavagupta: Dr. Bettina Baumer
Buddhism and its Development in Kashmir: Dr. Advaitavadini Kaul
’Speech’ as ‘Ulimate Self’ in Kashmir Saivism : Dr. K.C. Sharma
The Problem of Identity and Regional Demands in Jammu and Kashmir: Dr. Ravindera Jit Kour
Kashmir’s Socio-political Heritage: Mir Bashir Ahmad Sultan
Kashmir Resolution: An Analysis of The Impediments: Dr. Aftab Ahmad Khan
Kashmir Will Become The Focus Of Asiatic Civilization: Prof. Fida Hassnaian
Sufism, Rishism In Kashmir Interaction And Impact: Prof: Hamidullah Marazi
A Fresh Look at Some Kashmiri Women Poets: Prof. Neeraja Mattoo
Women in Kashmir As Rajatarangini Depicts (A Socio-political Perspective): Dr. Neelu Gupta
Kashmiri Language: Origin and Development: Prof. Shafi Shauq
Dhavani In Lala’s Poetry: Prpf. Majrooh Rashid
Wisdom In Kashmiri Folk Literature: M.Y. Mashoor
Kashmir’s Contribution to Persian Literature: Dr. Nelofar Naaz Nahvi
Karewas of Kashmir Revisited: G.L. Badam
Indigenous Architectural Heritage of Kashmir: Virendra Bangroo
Parallels in the Candella and Kalacuri Period Caunsatha Yogini Temples and Temples of Kashmir: A.K. Singh
Posted by:- Bridget David

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